
April 13, 2019 3 min read 1 Comment

What are the best flavour concentrates

There are many flavourings to choose from, but which flavours taste best in an E-Liquid mix.

Everyone tastes flavours differently, but which fruit flavours do I think taste the best. (James from Rainbowvapes)

Best Fruit Concentrates

  • Aniseedthe Rainbowvapes Intense range is the best Aniseed, 4% is enough in a mix.
  • Apple, after trying many different apple flavours I find this a hard flavour to taste, there are a couple I use in E-Liquids, Inawera Apple (two apples) mixing at 5% and Rainbowvapes Intense Apple also mixing at 5%
  • Banana, I have found Banana flavours to be mild on taste, Inawera Banana is a good one to use around 5% but I find that Solubarome Banana sweet mixes better with other flavours.
  • Blackcurrant, the best is definitely the Rainbowvapes intense Blackcurrant, mix between 3-5%, if you are after a sharper tasting Blackcurrant Inawera is the choice.
  • Black Cherry,the best was Inawera Black Cherry, it was super good, unfortunately they changed the recipe and ruined it, all black cherries I have tasted since have tasted flowery, so at the moment its a flavour with little advice.
  • Blueberry,the Inawera Blueberry is the one I would go for, use at 8% as a single flavour. Flavor West blueberry sells the best.
  • Blue Raspberry,there's a couple to choose from, Capella's version and Flavor Wests, both taste of Blue Raspberry, both just taste on the mild side mixing at 10%. Heard Liquid Barns Blue Raspberry is good but I'm still yet to try that one.
  • Cantaloupe,not tried this flavour, but the best selling is The Flavours Apprentice.
  • Cherry,Hands down Inawera gets the vote on this one, listed under cherry v2 on Rainbowvapes, mix this at 4-5%
  • Coconut,the best selling is TFA coconut extra which I haven't tried, I use Inawera Coconut at 5%
  • Dragon Fruit, Inawera Dragon fruit at 5%, the best selling is the TFA dragon fruit
  • Grape,I'm not real keen on grape flavours, TFA grape candy is the best selling, if anyone has a suggestion on a good grape, please leave a comment below.
  • Guava,The Rainbowvapes intense Guava is full of flavour, mix this at 3-4%, the best selling is from FWEST.
  • HazelnutThis is a boring flavour on its own, mixing with other flavours is a must, Flavour West has the best Hazelnut I have come across
  • Kiwi, this is not a flavour I would mix on its own but would mix with other, preferably with a sweet tasting flavour like strawberry, the Intense range at 3-4% is my choice.
  • Lemon, Inawera was the best until they changed their recipe back in 2017, the one I go for now is Italian Lemon Sicily by Capella, it has the zest of a lemon that is needed to give the mix a good zing.
  • Lime,I haven't tried a bad one, key lime TFA is the best selling, Inawera Lime at 6% or Rainbowvapes Intense range lime at 4% is spot on.
  • Mango,this is another flavour that companies seem to get right, TFA has the most popular mango, Inawera mango mixes 6-8%, the Rainbowvapes intense mango only needs 2% flavour, it is real strong, tastes more like a Malaysian mango. 
  • Orange,a few good oranges available, Capella juicy orange is the most popular, closely followed by Flavor Wests blood orange.
  • Peach, I have only tried the Peach by Inawera which is good, 6-8% on that, the best selling is peach juicy by TFA
  • Pear,Inawera is the one to go for, mix at 6-8%. If you want a gamble the FWEST blackcurrant tastes just like pear, I thought we got the flavours had got mixed up somehow, but new bottles we bought tasted the same :)
  • Pineapple,the one to go for is the TFA one this time.
  • Pomberry,Wait for the Rainbowvapes Intense version to come, its magic.
  • Pomegranate,I don't think I have used this flavour so any suggestions would be great.
  • Raspberry, Raspberry sweet by TFA is the most popular, but you can't go wrong with raspberry by Inawera at 8%, well worth a try.
  • Strawberry,This by far is used more than any other fruit flavour, all brands sell well on the strawberry, except the FWEST strawberry, not tried it but it is slow. 
  • Watermelon,I am not a fan of watermelon flavours, TFA and Capellas versions sell the best.

If there is a flavour I haven't mentioned, just type the flavour into the search bar at the top of the website.

Please leave your favourite fruit flavours and mixing percentages in the comments box below. (FRUIT ONLY PLEASE)


    1 Response


    July 09, 2019

    Concorde Grape by Capella is beautiful. KIWI BY Flavour west is by far the best kiwi you can get followed by kiwi double by TPA. Orange by inawera is also a really good orange. Wild cherry by Capella is also well worth a punt. Goes great with apple.

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